Friday, September 14, 2012

2 Corinthians 9 - More On Generosity

Chapter 9 continues the conversation about giving and generosity.  We see that those who sow sparingly will reap sparingly, and that when we give 'cheerfully' we are assured that we will have all our needs met (v. 7-9).    
You've probably heard somebody say something along the lines of, "if I want to know what's important to you I will look at your checkbook or credit card statement."  And it's true.  Jesus told us our hearts will be where our treasure is (Matthew 6), and it's really hard to argue with that.  My dollars and my time go to the people and things that I deem most important.

Isn't it encouraging to read the last paragraph of the chapter?  To know that our generosity will result in many expressions of thanks to God?  I can know that when I give, especially when I give sacrificially, that one of the products of that giving will be people praising and thanking God.  That's a powerful idea when you think about it.  God has given me the ability and opportunity to act in a way that directly causes His Name to be praised.  Good stuff.

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