Friday, January 30, 2015

Psalm 14

Verse 2:  The Lord looks down from heaven on all mankind, to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God.

Father I pray two things...let there be more and more people who seek You, who understand.  And let me be one of those people.  Let me be a man who seeks You in all things.  I want to live for You.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Psalm 13

Verse 5 - "But I trust in your unfailing love.  My heart rejoices in your salvation."

Lord, this psalm begins with questions.  Questions you aren't afraid of, like where are You, and how long will you allow me to suffer?  I ask those questions often.  Probably too often.  I know where you are -- You are here.  You are with me.  You love and you care.  I do trust in your unfailing love.  Thank you that your love is unfailing.  My heart does rejoice in your salvation.  Help me to trust and rejoice more all the time.  I need you and I love you.  Help me Father.  Help me Jesus.  Help me Holy Spirit.  Amen.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Psalm 12

Verse 6: "And the words of the Lord are flawless.  Like silver purified in the crucible.  Like gold refined seven times."

Lord your words are beautiful.  They are good.  They can be trusted.  Because you are beautiful, good and trustworthy.  Sometimes it is hard to remember that.  Sometimes it is hard to trust you and to wait on you to deliver what You have promised.  Help me to obey patiently without getting caught up in the desires of the moment.  I love you.  Thank you for your flawless, pure words.  Amen.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Psalm 11

Verse 7: "For the Lord is righteous.  He loves justice.  The upright will see his face."

Lord, thank you for being a righteous God who loves justice.  This world is unjust because we have rebelled against you.  I have rebelled against you Father.  Forgive me and have mercy on me.  Let me walk with you, and thank you Jesus for being upright when I couldn't be.  For allowing me a way to see the Father that I couldn't earn on my own.  You are my righteousness.  Thank you God.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Psalm 10

Verse 17 - "You, Lord hear the desire of the afflicted.  You encourage them, and You listen to their cry".

Lord God I am afflicted.  I deal with so many problem and hurts, most of which are self-inflicted.  I guess I am self-afflicted.  Not just for me, but for so many people in your world with huge, real problems, God I pray you would encourage them and listen to their cry.  You want us to cry out to You.  Gather up a people to Yourself and teach us to cry out to You.  Teach us about your compassion, about your passion for healing the brokenhearted.  You are beautiful God.  Thank you for loving, for caring, for listening and for encouraging.  Help and heal those who know they need Your and heal those who haven't figured that out yet.  Let me be a vessel of your care, love and encouragement.  I love you.  Amen.