Friday, February 17, 2012

Romans 13 - Clothe Yourself

Interesting that Paul ends chapter 12 with instructions to not be overcome by evil, and then goes straight into a discussion of submission to the government at the start of chapter 13.  I always thought that was a curious transition.

Anyway, for me the question inspired by v. 1-7 is "what happens when a government is clearly evil, operating contrary to God's Word and standards?"  In this case, we have a clear answer in Acts 4:19, when Peter tells the religious leaders that he must obey God rather than man.  And yet, in general, Paul's instruction is clear...

"Give everyone what you owe him: if you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect, if honor, then honor".

Two verses that sum up much of what this Christian life is about are found toward the end of Romans 13.

"Love is the fulfillment of the law" v. 10
"Rather, clothe yourself with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature" v. 14

I can't avoid thinking about gratifying the desires of the sinful nature apart from clothing myself with Jesus.  Good to know....

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