Friday, September 20, 2013

Hebrews 5 - Our High Priest and the Quest for Solid Food

Jesus has been appointed by the Father to represent us in matters related to God.  He is our advocate.  He is our defense attorney.  And we are assured that His prayers on our behalf are heard because of His reverent submission.

Verse 9 strikes me as odd, where it says that Jesus "learned obedience from what he suffered, and once made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him."  I like the idea of Jesus being the source of our eternal salvation, if we choose to receive Him.  I don't know quite what to make of Jesus needing to learn obedience or be made perfect.  I guess it's time to do more digging on those ideas.

OK, just got back after using Google to see what ideas are out there.  Found this and it makes sense to me...

Verse 8 refers to Jesus learning experientially what He would do to fully obey God's will for mankind. He became aware through experience what being obedient to God's will would entail for Him. 

Verse 9 It was not until Jesus suffered the ordeal of the Cross that God fully qualified Him as the one sent to carry out to completion God's Redemptive Mission. This is specifically true of Christ's priestly duties in carrying out the redemptive mission.

The chapter ends with a pretty stern warning or chastising of those who ought to be further along in their understanding of the "elementary truths of God's word".  I love the milk/solid food analogy.  I don't want to live on milk but rather strive for maturity as God's grace enables me to comprehend more of who He is.

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